Category: ATTRACT Media news
Luino NotizieRandom Power: la startup dell’Insubria unica italiana al “Falling Walls” di Berlino (in Italian)
La start up dell’ateneo varesino è l’unica italiana tra le 25 vincitrici della Falling walls venture e si presenterà al summit in programma a novembre.
La PrealpinaSuper password, Insubria premiata a Berlino (in Italian)
Prestigioso riconoscimento per Random Power, startup dell’Università dell’Insubria sul ruolo dell’imprevedibità nella sicurezza informatica.
Mirage NewsATTRACT, a European funded project
ATTRACT aims to develop a funding model to help diminish the time needed and increase the chances of great ideas leaving labs and directly benefiting society.
El EconomistaEsade, IED y la UPC renuevan su colaboración a través de ‘ATTRACT Academy’ (in Spanish)
Los estudiantes que participan en “ATTRACT Academy” podrán colaborar con grupos de investigadores de prestigio para transformar y maximizar los beneficios de las nuevas tecnologías de cara a la sociedad.
RetemaProyecto SNIFFIRDRONE: drones que generan mapas de contaminación y olores (in Spanish)
SNIFFIRDRONE busca integrar los resultados y experiencias adquiridas en tres proyectos de la primera convocatoria ATTRACT: SNIFFDRONE, IRPHOTONANOSILI y 3D -META, con el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema basado en drones que genere mapas de contaminación y olores en tiempo real, así como informes y alarmas instantáneas.
Open Access GovernmentFinal remarks on the ATTRACT funding for innovation
In the ATTRACT philosophy, phase 1 was essentially dealing with risk absorption, while phase 2 is meant to provide a tool for risk mitigation, in consideration of the higher Technical Readiness Level (TRL) expressed by the projects.
Science BusinessATTRACT announces €28M fund for innovations stemming from Europe’s big science labs
ATTRACT, a research and innovation project funded by the European Union and backed by a consortium of nine partners will commit €28 million to finance 36 projects from more than 20 countries.
La Provincia di ComoLe chiavi che tutelano i dati Startup comasca, progetto europeo (in Italian)
Random Power è un progetto nato in Insubria grazie a un’intuizione del professore di fisica sperimentale Massimo Caccia.
Open Access GovernmentATTRACT, a flexible tool that can be adapted to wider contexts
The ATTRACT scheme offers unique opportunities as a flexible and yet coherent tool to accelerate breakthrough innovation in Europe.