Project committees

Project Advisory Committee
ATTRACT’s Project Advisory Committee (PAC) comprises leading representatives of international public and private organisations
The Committee tender’s strategic advice on scaling up the ATTRACT Project. In providing such advice, the PAC may establish an open dialogue with public and private stakeholders, including high-level policy-makers, to raise their interest in investing in and continuing the ATTRACT Project.
John Wood
Chair, Project Advisory Committee of ATTRACT
Monica Beltrametti
Head of Global Innovation Europe, Naver Corp
Sergio Bertolucci
Professor, University of Bologna & former scientific director at CERN
Francisco Javier Cáceres
General Manager, INEUSTAR (Spanish Science Industry Association)
Leopold Demiddeleer
Managing Director and Founder, TechBridgeOne SPRL
Candace Johnson
Co-founder of SES and architect of SES Global
Daria Tataj
Strategy advisor, board member and entrepreneur
Patrick Terroir
President of Innovation Legal, Chair of LESI patent and technology licensing committee, Legal counselor, Project Advisory Committee of ATTRACT
Special advisors
Henry Chesbrough
Special Advisor of the PAC; Faculty Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, University of California-Berkeley; Professor, Esade Business School
Claus Madsen
Senior adviser; Former Senior Counsellor for International Relations, European Southern Observatory (ESO)
R&D&I Committee
The R&D&I Committee (IC) is a fully independent committee of top-level experts in the domain of detector & imaging technology for science, industry and the private investor community.
Sergio Bertolucci
Chair, R&D&I Committee (IC) of ATTRACT; Professor, University of Bologna & former scientific director at CERN
Andrea Cuomo
Executive Vice President AST & Special Projects STMicroelectronics International
Cinzia Da Vià
Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester UK
Dimitra Darambara
Senior Team Leader, The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Chiara Giovenzana
CEO, investor & entrepreneur in the field of biotech
Heinz Graafsma
Head of the Photon-Science Detector Group at DESY & Adjunct Professor at Mid Sweden University
Ralf Kaiser
Professor, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow
Matthias Kaiserswerth
Managing Director, Hasler Stiftung
Sijbren Otto
Professor of Systems Chemistry, University of Groningen
Bernd Schmitt
Group Leader in Photon Science Division, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Pawel Sobkowicz
Deputy Director for Innovation and Commercialisation, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Świerk, Poland
Michel Spiro
Emeritus Research Director, CEA
Norbert Wermes
Professor of Physics, University of Bonn; Director, Institute of Physics Role in ATTRACT Member, Independent R&D&I Committee (IC) Norbert Wermes is Professor of Physics at the University of Bonn, Germany, and an expert in particle detectors and detector physics. After his studies he has been researcher at the accelerator centers DESY (Hamburg), SLAC (Stanford) and CERN…
Project Consortium Board
The Project Consortium Board (PCB) manages the ATTRACT Project.
Michael Krisch
Chair, Project Consortium Board; Scientist in charge of the biomedical beamline ID17, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Alex Nussem
Secretary General of the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA)
Kalevi Ekman
Professor of integrated product development and machine design, AALTO University
Martti Jerkku
Project Manager, Aalto University Design Factory and Deputy PCB member from Aalto University
Thierry Lagrange
Head of Industry, Procurement and Knowledge Transfer, CERN
Andrew McCarthy
Team leader, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Grenoble Outstation
Paolo Mutti
Head of Instrument Control Department, Head of Scientific Computing Department, Institut Laue-Langevin
Thomas Tschentscher
Scientific Director, European X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility (European XFEL)
Jonathan Wareham
Professor of Information Systems, Esade Business School
Andy Williams
External Relations Officer, European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Project Administrative Office
The Project Administrative Office (PAO) is the dedicated administrative body for the delivery of the ATTRACT Project.
Markus Nordberg
Head of Resources Development of the Development and Innovation Unit (IPT-DI), CERN
Pablo Garcia Tello
Section Head of the Development of EU Projects & Initiatives, CERN
Romain Muller
EU Projects Officer, CERN
Marzio Nessi
Science Consultant
Dissemination, Communication & Outreach Office
The Dissemination, Communication & Outreach Office (Comms team) is dedicated to promoting communication, outreach and media activities for the ATTRACT Project.
Anna Alsina
Esade Content Director
Katica Boric
Esade Decision Lab Manager
Laura Castellucci
Director of the Research Office at Esade
Victoria Cochrane
Associate Director of the Research Office at Esade
Clara Cardona
Communications Manager at Esade
Vicenç Moliné
Content specialist at Esade