Category: ATTRACT Media news
New ElectronicsULTRARAM universal computer memory to be commercialised
Lancaster University is to create a spinout company to commercialise the universal computer memory technology ULTRARAM developed at the university.
Profesional ReviewUltraRAM: el sustituto de la RAM y el SSD (in Spanish)
UltraRAM es un tipo de memoria prometedora con posibilidad de aunar en un mismo dispositivo tanto la memoria de acceso aleatorio por su velocidad, y la memoria de almacenamiento secundario por su capacidad de no ser volátil.
Electronics WeeklyLancaster University invents universal memory technology
ULTRARAM is to be commercialised following the successful completion of the ICURe Explore award as part of the prestigious Innovate UK ICURe Programme designed to help researchers explore the commercial application and potential of UK research.
La RepubblicaAlmacube lancia la nuova call for startup: il programma di incubazione per crescere e incontrare investitori
Aperte le candidature a startup e spinoff fino al 24 febbraio. Le iniziative dell’incubatore dell’Università di Bologna e Confindustria Emilia Area Centro
Forbes ItalyAlmacube lancia la Call for Startups 2023: “Open innovation e talenti sono il motore della crescita” (In Italian)
Almacube lancia la Call for Startups 2023. L’innovation hub nasce per affiancare e supportare aziende consolidate e realtà emergenti, come startup e spinoff, nel loro percorso di crescita e sviluppo.
Veda Na DosahATTRACT2 – innovation’s answer to society’s call (in Slovak)
ATTRACT is a leading research and innovation program funded by the European Union under the auspices of a consortium of nine international scientific organizations such as Aalto University, CERN, EIRMA, EMBL, Esade, ESO, ESRF, European XFEL and Neutrons for Society.
AftenpostenThe invisible properties of light can reveal whether you have cancer (in Norwegian)
The invisible properties of light combined with machine learning can be used to detect cancer. It is hoped that such approaches can improve the accuracy of diagnostics, alleviate overburdened healthcare services and provide better diagnostics in low-income countries.
Mirage NewsBreakthrough ULTRARAM paper selected as best of 2022 by journal
A scientific paper on a pioneering type of patented computer memory known as ULTRARAM™ has been selected as the best of 2022 for the journal Advanced Electronic Materials.
Science BusinessATTRACT announces programme for future technologies in the fashion industry
The Future Technologies for Sustainable Fashion is a program under ATTRACT Academy which aims to foster collaborations in the emerging field of Fashion Technology with a critical approach under the spectrum of sustainability, future scarcity, and space habitation.