Category: ATTRACT Media news
Optics newsResearchers combine spectroscopy technique with video-rate imaging
UC3M Madrid’s novel imaging method enhances spectral analysis for food, farming and pharma applications.
Azo OpticsNew imaging technology can improve spectral analysis in different industries
A sophisticated analytical method, called dual-comb spectroscopy, has now been used by scientists, for the first time, to rapidly obtain highly detailed hyperspectral images.
OSAResearchers combine advanced spectroscopy technique with video-rate imaging
Imaging technology poised to enhance spectral analysis for food, agricultural and pharmaceutical applications.
Research OutreachExploring the origins of life with autocatalytic sets
How did we get here? This question has plagued philosophers, scientists and individuals alike for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
La ReppublicaBertolucci e il sogno della Open Innovation: “Industrie italiane collaborate, o il futuro ci sfugge”
Per anni direttore di ricerca al Cern sta lavorando – con l’Europa – a un grande progetto di innovazione industriale condivisa.
La ReppublicaBertolucci and the dream of Open Innovation: “Italian industries collaborate, or the future escapes us”
With the right help, Europe’s science facilities can be innovation powerhouses. ATTRACT provides €17 million of initial funding for the development of breakthrough technologies originating from research infrastructures.
GruendenFour Swiss startups selected for the European ATTRACT-phase 1 funding program
The newly inaugurated ATTRACT funding program initiated by the European Horizon2020 is offering €17 million to 170 projects across Europe to support the development of breakthrough technologies as part of the mission to create an entirely new, European model of Open Innovation. Qnami, Magnes, Gamaya in a joint project with Dotphoton from Switzerland are among […]
Research EuropeFrom big science to big business
With the right help, Europe’s science facilities can be innovation powerhouses. ATTRACT provides €17 million of initial funding for the development of breakthrough technologies originating from research infrastructures.
Bioengineer17 Million Fund Backs 170 Breakthrough Concepts In Imaging And Sensing
ATTRACT, a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project funded by the European Union and backed by a consortium of 9 partners including ESO, has announced 170 breakthrough ideas which will each receive €100,000 to develop technologies that have the potential to change society. A kick-off meeting at CERN in Geneva today will start the clock […]