Category: ATTRACT Media news
Horizon MagazineNew wave of medical ‘deep tech’ can help coronavirus response – but there’s resistance
The development of new medical technologies based on cutting-edge discoveries has accelerated during the coronavirus pandemic and is helping us respond to the health crisis. But for these technologies to flourish, attitudes and scepticism among investors still need to change, say researchers and start-ups.
Science BusinessAll the new stuff that’s fit to print (in 3D)
From glass to bacteria, you can print almost anything these days, as researchers backed by the EU-funded ATTRACT project are demonstrating.
La VanguardiaLa ‘start-up’ que traza un mapa de tu corazón
Adas3D Medical ha creado un software que hace que las intervenciones cardíacas sean más seguras, rápidas y sencillas
Science BusinessTaking magnetic resonance imaging into a new dimension
EU-funded ATTRACT consortium explores how to enrich MRI scans with mixed reality headsets and other high-tech wizardry.
Frankfurter AllgemeineEin neuer Kurs für die künftigen Krisen
Sergio Bertolucci, hochverdienter Direktor am Cern und Chef der von europäischen Großforschungsinstituten gegründeten „Attract“-Initiative, will ein solches vorwärts denkendes, ein anderes Europa: „Wir wollen nicht die Feuerwehrbrigaden sein. Wir sind ein Apple-Shop für Ideen, aber wir müssen in Europa endlich auch unseren Appetit vergrößern, riskante Ideen zu verwirklichen.“
Science BusinessUnwrapping the many gifts of graphene
EU-funded ATTRACT consortium is supporting cutting-edge applications for the super-strong atom-thin material with multifarious uses.
Il Giornale d’ItaliaCoronavirus, scienziati Ue studiano ecosistema Innovazione, Covid-19 non sarà l’unica crisi
Il fisico Sergio Bertolucci all’Adnkronos: “Ci serve una riserva di tecnologie ‘disruptive’”. Lunedì brainstorming su Science|Business con Jean-David Malo, Direttore dell’European Innovation Council
Evolve MagCoronavirus, scienziati Ue studiano ecosistema Innovazione, Covid-19 non sarà l’unica crisi
La pandemia di Sars-Cov-2 “non sarà l’unica emergenza” che l’umanità dovrà combattere nei prossimi anni, per questo “serve un forte ecosistema dell’innovazione
ADNKronosCoronavirus, scienziati Ue studiano ecosistema Innovazione, Covid-19 non sarà l’unica crisi
La pandemia di Sars-Cov-2 “non sarà l’unica emergenza” che l’umanità dovrà combattere nei prossimi anni, per questo “serve un forte ecosistema