Copyright © Photo by Falling Walls
Random Power, one of the 36 funded projects through ATTRACT phase 2, has been selected as one of the 25 winners out of 119 Finalists in the Science Start-ups category (Falling Walls Venture), which is a global competition between companies born in the context of fundamental research. The presentation will be held on November 7th in Berlin during the Falling Walls Science Summit 2022.
The project “In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams” (RandomPower) is led by the physicist Massimo Caccia and is based on the use of quantum mechanics to create an unpredictable and inviolable stream of random bits, strings of virtually infinite length at the base of any cryptographic process protecting privacy security of our digital life.
Falling Walls, an organisation based in Berlin, is known for its well-attended annual conference which connects science, business and society and gathers some of the most important researchers and thinkers to discuss breakthroughs with global leaders focusing on the core question: “Which are the next walls to fall in science and society?”. And in this opportunity, it has received 1,345 nominations in different categories, and the winner’s presentations will take place from 7-9 November 2022 in Berlin.
More information about the Random Power project here.
You can watch the pitch of Massimo Caccia at the Falling Walls Science Symposium:
Copyright © Photo by Falling Walls Random Power, one of the 36 funded projects through ATTRACT phase 2, has been selected as one of the 25 winners out of 119 Finalists in the Science Start-ups category (Falling Walls Venture), which is a global competition between companies born in the context of fundamental research. The presentation […]