Developing breakthrough technologies
for science and society
New website
On this renewed website, you can learn more about the ATTRACT ecosystem.
ATTRACT by numbers
R&D&I projects
Students will participate in this ecosystem
Phase 1
of the projects gathered venture capital funding
Phase 1
of the student projects proposed new ideas to researchers
Phase 2
projects will take part in ATTRACT Academy
Stories and useful articles about amazing projects.
NEXT project: accelerating experimentation towards university-industry collaboration
Researchers around the world are constantly producing discoveries. But, for this knowledge to lead to innovation…
The Socioeconomic Studies showcase their conclusions at the SES Final workshop
The Socioeconomic Studies (SES) seek to enhance the conventional impact metrics and build upon them towards…
ATTRACT stories: behind the CBI.ATTRACT program
The CBI.ATTRACT program aims to develop the students’ entrepreneurial mindset as future innovation players while ensuring…
Quinas gets £1.1m to produce UltraRAM
Quinas, the startup founded by IQE and the universities of Lancaster and Cardiff, has received £1.1 million from Innovate UK to take UltraRAM further towards mass production. Invented by Professor Manus Hayne, UltraRAM technology is non-volatile with the speed, energy efficiency, and endurance of DRAM.
Una nueva tecnología podría aumentar la probabilidad de éxito de la reproducción asistida (in Spanish)
“Esta nueva tecnología ayudará a aumentar la probabilidad de éxito en procesos de reproducción asistida, reduciendo el llamado ‘tiempo hasta el embarazo’, y el desgaste económico y psicológico de las pacientes”
Una nueva tecnología podría aumentar la probabilidad de éxito en la reproducción asistida (in Spanish)
Una nueva tecnología no invasiva es capaz de visualizar el metabolismo de embriones obtenidos por fecundación ‘in vitro’ para decidir cuál tiene más posibilidades de implantarse correctamente en el útero y llegar a término.
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